SNAP Authorized Markets who Double SNAP Dollars!

Farmers MarketLocationTime
Tanana Valley Farmers Market2600 College Rd, Fairbanks, AK 99709Wednesday 11AM-4PMSaturday 9AM-4PM
Matanuska Community Farmers Market713 S Denali St, Palmer, AK 99645Wednesday 4PM – 7PM
Calypso Farm + South Side Community Farmers Market24th Avenue & Rickert Street, Fairbanks, AK, United States, AlaskaTuesday 4PM – 6:30PM
Homer Farmers Market1155 Ocean Dr, Homer, AK 99603Wednesday 2PM – 5PM Saturday 10AM – 3PM
Haines Farmers Market296 W Fair Dr, Haines, AK, United States, AlaskaSaturday 10AM – 1PM
Grow North Farm3601 Mountain View Dr, Anchorage, AK 99508Thursday 4PM – 7PM
E&A Produce Market101 Airport Rd, Iliamna, AK 99606Wednesday/Thursday 3:30PM – 6:30 PM
Grace Acres Farm
52280 running water Ave , Kasilof, AK, United States, Alaska
Monday2:00 PM – 10:00 PMTuesday2:00 PM – 6:00 PMWednesday11:00 AM – 6:00 PMThursday2:00 PM – 10:00 PMFriday2:00 PM – 10:00 PMSaturday10:00 AM – 2:00 PM5:00 PM – 11:00 PMSunday3:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Feirme Bear Don12387 S Russian Creek Road Kodiak AK 99615

Food Access at Farmers Markets


The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is the nation’s largest nutritional assistance program. A few markets across Alaska accept SNAP.

At these markets, shoppers visit the market information booth and swipe their EBT card. The market then provides tokens/voucher for the amount swiped on the card. The shopper then spends the tokens with market vendors on SNAP eligible items(fruits, vegetables, baked goods, seeds, meat, jams & jellies, bread, fish, vegetable starts, syrup and honey, dairy, and poultry.)

Want to become a SNAP authorized market? Watch AFMA’s SNAP Authorization webinar here!

SNAP Authorized Markets who Double SNAP Dollars!

Need Food Assistance apply for SNAP benefits here. If you are encountering severly delayed SNAP Application approval find support here.

WIC & Senior Farmer Market Nutrition Program

The Women and Infant Children (WIC) and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides vouchers for low-income seniors, pregnant women, and women with young children to purchase fresh, healthy food at farmers markets.  These programs are federally funded with the goal of increasing the awareness, use of, and sales at local farmers’ markets as well as provide fresh, unprepared, Alaska grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs to low income seniors and WIC participants.

Interested in applying to accept Farmers Market Nutrition Vouchers? Click here NOTE application closes MAY 31st!

Reccomendation: Authorizing Farmers to Accept eWIC Cash- Value Benefits

AFMA’s Market Match

SNAP authorized markets have the ability to participate in AFMA’s Market Match program. This program provides markets with resources and funds to double the SNAP EBT dollars of Families and individuals enrolled. Learn more below or apply here!

How AFMA Market Match Works 

SNAP Authorized Markets and Farm Stands can receive funding to  provide customers who use SNAP/EBT benefits with a $1 for $1 match for up to $40, giving them up to $80 to spend on qualifying produce! AFMA Market Match is executed by the Farmers Market/Farm Stand,  administered by Alaska Farmers Market Association, and funded by the State’s Designated Legislative Grant Program. 

If you are a SNAP authorized market or farm stand with a valid FNS you can Apply to recieve funds to participate in the Market Match program!

How it works

If you are a SNAP/EBT Authorized Market/Farm Stand

  1. Fill out AFMA’s Market Match Application here
  2. Become Familiar with the Market Match Reporting Documents and Steps for reimbursement
  3. Start Matching!
  4. SNAP customers make a purchase with their Quest card at a designated booth. Upon purchase the market will provide the customer with the amount of scrip they purchased and can match up to $40
  5. For Example: A customer bought $10 on their Quest card. They receive $10 in market scrip and an additional $10 in market match
  6. Market staff record the amount purchased with Quest card and the amount matched for each transaction
  7. Markets Reimburse Vendors(as agreed upon between market and vendor)
  8. Market reports Matching numbers and invoicing to AFMA on a monthly basis
  9. AFMA will reimburse Market Dollars Matched on a Monthly Basis

What Does AFMA Provide?

  • Program specifications and guidelines
  • Market Match Reimbursement
  • Stipend for Market/EBT coordinator(your point person for SNAP at the market)
  • Stipend for some supplies and promotional materials 
  • Technical Assistance and program support as needed

If you are SNAP/EBT Recipient:

  1. Go to a participating market’s information booth and tell them you’d like SNAP Market Match
  2. Swipe your EBT card for the amount you want to spend
  3. You will receive that amount in EBT tokens and the same amount in SNAP Market Match dollars. Markets match $40 or more per day, check with your local market for their daily match amount.
  4. Shop for:
    • Fresh vegetables
    • Fresh fruits
    • Mushrooms
    • Fresh herbs
    • Fish
    • Meat/Poultry
    • Seeds and plants that produce food (for example, tomato seeds or tomato plants)
    • Packaged Foods like breads, jams, honey

Participating Markets!


To find out more about market match and SNAP at farmers markets email

Farmers Market Legal ToolKit

This resource breaks down the implementation of SNAP benefits for Markets Managers! Click here to learn more.

Local Foods for Every Family

Access the Food Access Toolkit! Click here to learn more

Native Food Sovereignty Projects

Learn about Native groups in Alaska focused on agriculture, food security, and regenerative cycles that can benefit all.